Lebron is sent to the realm of the Looney Tunes to begin to recruit a team while Al G. wins, Lebron is stuck in the Warner Brothers server and forced to make content for Warner Brothers forever. You can see where this is going – time to play a basketball game.
is very offended by this, so he lures Lebron and Dom into the mainframe. shares his plan with Lebron and Lebron calls the plan stupid. Lebron takes Dom to his meeting with the Warner Brothers executives. Rhythm (Don Cheadle) has come up with the perfect plan to expand the Warner Brothers empire and wants Lebron to head up this plan. Meanwhile, the Warner Brothers algorithm Al G.
Lebron takes the advice of his wife and tries to take interest in the game Dom is creating. Lebron is trying to instill his game ethic into Dom when Dom is more interested in creating video games. Fast forward to the present day and Lebron is having issues with his son Dom (Cedric Joe). His coach tells him that if he focuses on the game and not his Looney Tunes game on his Nintendo Gameboy that he could become a great player. Our story begins with a young Lebron James losing a basketball game as a kid.